

silver coach


Hello swimmers! I’m Mayra Santos, an ultra-marathon swimmer and Oceanman coach, and I’d like to share a little more about my aquatic journey.
I was born in Juiz de Fora, Brazil, and though I dabbled in swimming as a child, I never pursued it competitively or achieved regional championships. In fact, I had no significant involvement in swimming until I moved to the stunning Madeira Island at the age of 24.
Upon arriving in Madeira, I rekindled my connection with Ocean, but it wasn’t until 2015 that my passion for open water swimming truly ignited. It happened during a challenging 1500m race, an experience that triggered an overwhelming love for open waters and long-distance swimming.
This newfound passion motivated me to dive headfirst into the world of ultramarathons open water swimming . I may not have a history of regional championships or competitive swimming, but my journey from a casual swimmer to an enthusiastic open water swimmer and coach has been nothing short of transformative.
🏆 Notable Achievements 🏆
– First woman crossing from Porto Santo to Madeira (42 km)
– Guinness World Record for the Longest Continuous Swim in a Counter Current Pool in 31 hours and 7 minutes.
– First woman crossing along the River Zezere between Foz do Alge and River Beach in Aldeia do Mato In Portugal (45 km)
– Double circumnavigation of Manhattan in New York City, swimming 57 miles (91.8k)
As a dedicated coach, my mission is to guide fellow enthusiasts on their journey to overcome limits, find solace in the open waters, and achieve their dreams. I believe in nurturing not only physical strength but also the mental fortitude required for open water swims, making it the cornerstone of my coaching philosophy.
💪 Coaching Philosophy: From Impossible to Inevitable 💪
I believe that “impossible” isn’t part of my dictionary. I inspire swimmers to transcend their own expectations, combining discipline, courage, and joy in her training sessions.
I’m living proof that with determination and passion, the impossible becomes inevitable.
I’m not fluent in English, but ensuring that communication is never a barrier in our partnership.
So why should you train with me? Because I know that dreams steer our lives, and my goal is to guide you on a remarkable open water journey where those dreams become a reality.

Technical Details

Brazil, Portugal
Certified since
Visiting us from Spain